What is Sea Moss?

What is Sea Moss?

What is Sea Moss?

 Sea Moss is a type of seaweed, which is also known as algae. There are a number of variations of this plant but the most popular species are Purple, Gold and Red Sea Moss - otherwise known scientifically as Eucheuma Cottonii and Chondrus Crispus. Sea Moss is mainly found in the coastline of North America, Europe and the Caribbean Islands. Hand-harvested from the ocean floor, the plant is dried in the sun and packaged for production.

 In recent times, Sea Moss has gained large attraction for its incredible potency, and rightly so. It contains a staggering 92 out of the 102 minerals we need for optimal function. That’s 90% of the vitamins and minerals our bodies need to work at their best. These are: iodine, iron, zinc magnesium Vitamin Bs and calcium, to name a few.

What are the benefits?


      1. Anti-inflammatory

 Sea Moss, like many other seaweeds, has been found to contain rich anti-inflammatory properties (1). This is especially important considering most modern day diseases are fuelled by inflammation in the body.


      2. Improves Digestive Health

 Sea Moss is a great tool for improving digestive health. Due to its high fibre content, it supports the healthy functioning of the bowels and boosts gut health. It also acts as a prebiotic, which promotes healthy gut bacteria.

It does this by producing beneficial, short-chain fatty acids in the colon which soothe the digestive tract and regulate the gut microbiome (2).


     3. Supports Heart Health

Fibre rich foods are known for supporting one of our most vital organs - the heart. Since high levels of cholesterol is an indicator of heart disease, the high fibre content in Sea Moss lowers this by binding to the cholesterol particles and it also slows down the absorption of sugar (3).


    4. Promotes Radiant Skin, Hair and Nails 

 Sea Moss is abundant in antioxidants and skin repairing elements such as Vitamin C, A and amino acids that promote collagen production. Our skin, hair and nails need collagen for repair and maintenance of optimal protein levels. The collagen supports the skin by promoting its elasticity and firmness.

Studies have found that a compound named citrulline–arginine (4) is known to improve cell growth and metabolism. For this reason, many people use Sea Moss to soothe a range of skin conditions such as eczema, acne and psoriasis.


These are just some of the benefits found in Sea Moss. Its rich nutrient content and potency classifies it as a superfood and a natural multivitamin. However, as with all supplements, it should be part of a healthy lifestyle and balanced diet. 


If you’re on prescription medication or suffer from any other health conditions, consult with your doctor before consuming Sea Moss.


(1) Apostolova, E. et al. (2020) ‘Immunomodulatory and anti-inflammatory effects of Fucoidan: A Review’, Polymers, 12(10), p. 2338. doi:10.3390/polym12102338. 

(2)  Zang, L. et al. (2023) ‘Beneficial effects of seaweed-derived components on metabolic syndrome via gut microbiota modulation’, Frontiers in Nutrition, 10. doi:10.3389/fnut.2023.1173225. 

(3) Wu, Y. et al. (2015) ‘Association between dietary fiber intake and risk of coronary heart disease: A meta-analysis’, Clinical Nutrition, 34(4), pp. 603–611. doi:10.1016/j.clnu.2014.05.009. 

(4) Watson, R.R. (2017) Nutrition and functional foods for healthy aging. London: Academic Press. 






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